Robert Frost

Sitting by the seaside,
Children running along the side,
Leaving memories, marks and,
dreams in the sand.
A wave is rolling in,
the children run.
The wave touching their skins,
now there are no marks left behind, none.
Still the innocent children they-
go out to run and play.
Making things and building,
knowing that just like the last time, none will stay.
Again the waves are coming,
the waves are destroying,
the marks that children leave behind,
but still they continue trying.
Again and again.

The attributes of Robert Frost's poetry that I am emulating through my poem:
Many of Frost's poems indicate that end rhyme is a common device used in his poetry. So to emulate this device, I gave this poem many different forms of end rhyme in the scheme of (1) A - A - B - B, (2) C - D- C - D, (3) E - E - F - E, (4) F - F - G - F then there is one separate line at the end of the poem - H -. None of the above end rhyme is "perfect" end rhyme.
Another attribute of Frost's poetry that can be seen this poem is; the nature setting he gave to many of his poems. As mentioned earlier in this website, whilst in Frost's writing career he lived in the countryside, inspiring him to give many of poems a nature setting. So to emulate this style, I too used a nature setting for my poem that inspired me, which is the "Seaside."
Further, in Frost's poems he kept simplicity in his use of words, so anyone who read his poem could understand it in literal sense. However, the meaning behind the poem is always very complex and deep. I emulated this characteristic of his, in my poem, in terms of words, "Seaside" is very simple and understandable, but to be able to understand the meaning behind the words, requires deep thought.
In addition to this, I have used slight personification in this poem as to some of the personification Frost sometimes uses in his poetry. Personification only occurs once in this poem when I, say the children are running away and the "wave is shadowing" them. By doing so I am giving the wave a human trait, of being able to shadow over someone or something, while actually implying that the wave is large and strong.
According to me, this entire poem consists of just one metaphor, and that is the poem itself. This poem is to explain that obstacles in life will come in the way of your dreams, goals and happy times and often they will be ruined or fail, but that shouldn't stop you from holding tighter and trying harder to keep going.
Moreover, I have also added imagery to this poem, an attribute Frost uses to keep readers entertained in what they are reading. When readers read the title of this poem the image of a "Seaside" comes into mind. Then, I further discuss the waves that are rolling in, more imagery in brought into the picture. Also, the discussion about the children on the beach, gives us readers the image of screaming and laughing children, building sand castles on the sand, watching, waiting and hoping that the waves do not destroy it.
Alliteration is an another literary device I have used in this poem in the first line, to hook readers to the poem. The first line reads, "Sitting by the Seaside," here both sitting and seaside begin with the same letter, meaning that there is alliteration present here.
There is also enjambment in this poem, in lines 3 and 4. The lines are, "Leaving memories, marks and, / dreams in the sand". This forces a pause between the line talking about "marks, memories" and the line talking about "dreams". I have used enjambment here to give the three words equal importance and emphasis as they are the three words that this poem revolves around.